Monday, June 24, 2013

Hello David Spiegelhalter

On 12th April 2013 at 10:30 I booked a series of flights from Manchester (England) to Weeze (Germany) for a long weekend visit to Mrs N on location leaving on 20th June and flying via Edinburgh on a slightly round the houses route so that I would arrive close to Kleve (neer Weeze).

On 18th June I heard a radio programme where David Spiegelhalter was discussing micro morts, unlikely events and coincidences. Interesting I thought, 6 miles on a motorcycle  = 2000 miles in a plane or 1 cup of Ryanair tea...1 micromort.

On 20th June at Edinburgh airport  I sat down at gate 19 next to a couple who were busy minding their own business. Strange, I thought, I recognise them from photographs on a blog that I have enjoyed following for some years:  I say  "You Sonja and Roland me Nikos".

Eventually, when Sonja picked herself up off the floor we flew together to Weeze in our prebooked seats next to each other!

Some time later:-

I am very kindly offered a lift in a rather nice Audi and Mrs N is revealed at work.

Some time later still:-

No reflection on the company - I have super fast reacting eyelids!

It was great to meet such nice people! 

A somewhat better account can be found here. And I forgot to do the lottery.


  1. Wow..just wow......amazing.

    What a wonderful chance meeting.

    1. Rog

      Yes indeed!

      Not so lucky with the lottery but money can't buy you friends!

  2. So, it was Spiegelhalter's fault that we had to meet?

    Next time let's do it completely different and plan a gathering, and see what happens then. Maybe we are close to uncovering the mystery of creation of the universe.

  3. Nice, kind people still exist - hurrah! - even though they are Audi drivers :-) Seriously, I hope that there are 'anti-micromorts' out there, and you hereby got some to cancel out the Ryanair tea.

    1. No anti-micro morts but at my age I'm running on empty apparently.

  4. I just think it is so cool that you guys just happened to be in the same airport and the same flight, etc.

    1. It's almost an unbelieveable coincidence (especially as I was almost banned from Ryanair some months ago!)


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